Hatsuma is the wandering hero that all good mangas need. He's bishonen (and NOT a girl), and carries with him a deadly blade. In addition, he also completely lacks any common sense or feeling or self-preservation. A bit reckless, indeed.
Hot Dog Man is the eternal soldier, always fighting for the causes he winds up in. And he winds up in many situations indeed. Too many... and all involving hot dogs.
Edward is Hatsuma's self-proclaimed rival and nemisis, though evil isn't really in his heart. He just seems to get mixed up with the wrong people. (He's also that guy you don't recognize in any pics).
Dooz, as his friends call him (for no apparent reason), hails from England. He dropped pretty much everything he was doing to become a mech pilot long ago, but it wasn't his first dream.. And the glasses? He can see fine without them, they're more or less used for communication with his mechs.
Originally just there to have fun tormenting our heroes, the catgirl Priscilla was finally uncovered, as it were, by a well timed power blast. Her evil plans were dashed like so many demons against castle walls, and she is currently awkwardly in league with our heroes.